What is IP?

The Internet Protocol (IP) is the principal communications protocol in the Internet protocol suite for relaying datagrams across network boundaries. Its routing function enables internetworking, and essentially establishes the Internet”.
——-this is what THE WIKIPEDIA SAYS ..
but guys.. frankly speaking, i never got it when i first searched for IP on the INTERNET.
so for those who are facing the same difficulty, i have a simple and understanding definition.. here we go…
As we all have our house’s address to have a particular identification and someone want to reach to you can come to your address and do his job.
similarly this happens in case of INTERNET. If we want to open a website or to connect to some other computer which is not around us then something that recognises our requirement and divert us to that place is INTERNET PROTOCOL or IP. But now the biggest question is that we open any website by their names and not by their IP address then how come this is related with IP???
your question is pretty genuine . there is an important concept called “DNS” which will be able to solve your doubt. but for instance, we will study about DNS later on. right now just try to understand what i am trying to say.
whenever you open any website then the name of website (or domain name) goes to DNS server (DOMAIN NAME SYSTEM SERVER) where matching of domain names to IP address takes place and respective domain name is converted to a unique IP address.
there is a lot more about IP address that we will read in later sections like classes of IP addresses, DNS, versions, gateways, network address, types of IP, Static and Dynamic IP, etc..
for now you have a simple task to check your IP address by simply entering the following website (simply click here) : www.whatismyip.com .
so guys stay tuned for more posts..your doubts up till now are welcomed..

- Team KTI 
   (Kshitij The Infinity)
